Friday, May 4, 2012

Volunteers Needed!

Dear PHC Supporters:

With PHC 44 less than a week away, volunteers are still needed in three crucial areas.

Check-In: 17 Volunteers Still Needed

  • Check-In requires an ALL-DAY commitment from 8:30AM-3:30PM

Check-In volunteers welcome and review available services with participants, allowing individuals to prioritize need and plan their day at PHC.

Check-Out: 22 Volunteers Still Needed

  • AM Shift (8:30AM-1:00PM): 7 Volunteers still needed
  • PM Shift (12:30PM-4:00PM): 8 Volunteers still needed
  • All-Day Shift (8:30AM-4:00PM): 7 Volunteers still needed

Check-Out is the final stop at Project Homeless Connect. Check-Out volunteers work one-on-one with participants before they leave to ensure they have received the services that they need.

Café: 24 Volunteers Still Needed

  • AM Shift (8:30AM-1:00PM): 13 Volunteers still needed
  • PM Shift (12:30PM-4:00PM: 8 Volunteers still needed
  • All-Day Shift (8:30AM-4:00PM): 3 Volunteers still needed

Café Connect is a mini-restaurant which serves meals to participants. Volunteers in the Café will host, wait on participants, prep food and bus tables.

Please register online, email Randall Stowe or call (415) 503-2124.

When emailing or calling please include your name, email address, phone number, service area of choice (Check-In, Check-Out, Café) and desired shift (AM, PM, all-day).

We are expecting record numbers of participants at this event and we need your help to provide the best service possible!

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