Thursday, May 17, 2012

PHC 44 - Outcomes

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Project Homeless Connect

Dear PHC Supporter,

The first time I met Phil, one of Project Homeless Connect's long-time volunteers, he gave me his card which read:

"Dreamer ... and why not?"

I flipped it over and read: "Really ... why not?" I keep Phil's card on my computer where I can see it to remind myself of its message. Project Homeless Connect began as a dream. The community and its leadership were moved by the needs of so many that, just like Phil, they thought: "Really ... why not?"

Project Homeless Connect continues to dream big. We dream of a day when no person will sleep on the street, a day when no senior citizen goes without food or a safe place to call home. To make this dream a reality we depend on new partnerships with city agencies, business and nonprofits and relationships with dedicated volunteers. We are constantly developing new strategies to ensure we meet needs now and in the future.

I believe these dreams can come true. Will you dream with us? Let's mobilize resources by using social media. We invite you to "like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @PHCSF. We are sharing our #PHCdailyneed for resources to support homeless individuals and the good things PHC and our amazing volunteers are doing. You can also let us know your dreams and ideas on how to respond to homelessness in San Francisco.

Below are the results from our May 9th event. After compiling all of our numbers, our official total is 1,745 participants served! Working together we helped these individuals improve their health, look for a job, connect with loved ones, and fulfill a bit of their dreams.

Let's keep dreaming, because really ... why not?

Kara Zordel

SpotlightExecutive Director
Project Homeless Connect
Spotlight Spotlight

Total number of client visits: 1,745
Total number of volunteers: 990
65 Acupuncture Treatments
40 Banking Services (Including new Wells Fargo bank accounts)
149 Benefits & Follow Up Appointments CalWorks, CalFresh, GA , PAES
114 California State IDs
104 Dental
269 Employment
96/79/688 Eye Exams, Prescription Glasses & Readers
101 Haircuts
30 Hearing Tests
88 Legal Support
1515 Lunches Served
81 Massage Therapy
182 Medical & Follow Up Appointments
100 Senior Services
198 SSI/Medi-Cal
200 Sprint Phone Calls to family or friends
22 TB Tests
30 Podiatry
102 Pet Care
400 Google Voicemail Accounts
12 Wheelchair Repairs
24/5 were off the street in Shelters & through Stabilization

25 Van Ness Ave Ste 340 | San Francisco, CA 94102 US

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Vision Video

Interested in volunteering? Contact Randall Stowe at 415-503-2124 or by emailing
Want to sponser a pair of prescription glasses for a participant?  Donate $50 (per pair of glasses) and include vision in the memo line.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Volunteers Needed!

Dear PHC Supporters:

With PHC 44 less than a week away, volunteers are still needed in three crucial areas.

Check-In: 17 Volunteers Still Needed

  • Check-In requires an ALL-DAY commitment from 8:30AM-3:30PM

Check-In volunteers welcome and review available services with participants, allowing individuals to prioritize need and plan their day at PHC.

Check-Out: 22 Volunteers Still Needed

  • AM Shift (8:30AM-1:00PM): 7 Volunteers still needed
  • PM Shift (12:30PM-4:00PM): 8 Volunteers still needed
  • All-Day Shift (8:30AM-4:00PM): 7 Volunteers still needed

Check-Out is the final stop at Project Homeless Connect. Check-Out volunteers work one-on-one with participants before they leave to ensure they have received the services that they need.

Café: 24 Volunteers Still Needed

  • AM Shift (8:30AM-1:00PM): 13 Volunteers still needed
  • PM Shift (12:30PM-4:00PM: 8 Volunteers still needed
  • All-Day Shift (8:30AM-4:00PM): 3 Volunteers still needed

Café Connect is a mini-restaurant which serves meals to participants. Volunteers in the Café will host, wait on participants, prep food and bus tables.

Please register online, email Randall Stowe or call (415) 503-2124.

When emailing or calling please include your name, email address, phone number, service area of choice (Check-In, Check-Out, Café) and desired shift (AM, PM, all-day).

We are expecting record numbers of participants at this event and we need your help to provide the best service possible!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Event Volunteers Needed

Project Homeless Connect 44
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

Volunteers are needed in the following service areas:

  • Check-In - This is an all-day shift from 8:30AM - 4:00PM, we need 36 more volunteers!
  • Café - Morning shift 8:30AM - 1:00PM, we need 20 more volunteers!
  • Check-Out - Afternoon shift 12:30PM-4:00PM, we need 14 more volunteers!
  • Optometrists, Opticians & Ophthalmologists needed to help in our Vision service area!

Volunteer hours are 8:30am-4pm with many shifts still available. Most opportunities offer an AM shift (8:30am-1pm), a PM shift (12:30-4pm), and an all-day shift (8:30-4pm). Click here to sign up today!

Day of Details, Instruction and Information

This event will be held at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium at 99 Grove St. in San Francisco.

Volunteer Entrance will be clearly marked and is in the middle of the building on Grove Street. Volunteer registration is upstairs on the 2nd floor (unless you are a City employee, Medical or DMV/Legal volunteer please see below). You will be asked to sign a waiver and wear a name tag.

City Employees will register just inside the volunteer entrance in the main lobby to the left.

Medical volunteers will register in the Medical service area on the main floor.

DMV/Legal volunteers will register in the DMV/Legal service area on the main floor.

T-shirts will be given to new volunteers. If you have one already please wear it as this cost-savings can be passed along to the participants. Dress comfortably as most of our volunteer positions involve standing and/or walking.

Bathrooms are located on the 2nd floor above Polk and Larkin Hall. Water fountains are located outside of the main auditorium. One bottle of water will be given with lunch, please bring a reusable water bottle with you if available.

Leave all valuables at home as we DO NOT have a coat check or secure place for you to leave items. Please bring only what you can hold/carry on your person (fanny-packs work wonders!)

Transportation and Parking: Bill Graham Civic Auditorium is located at the Civic Center MUNI and BART stop. Numerous bus lines come within a block of the venue. Please go to to map your trip. We DO NOT have parking reserved for volunteers or providers. There is a parking garage with limited parking underneath Civic Center Plaza at a rate of $3/hour. Details can be found here:

Thanks for volunteering at Project Homeless Connect!